
The banner image shows one of the remaining Lookers' Huts at Coldharbour Farm on Romney Marsh

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Romney Marsh & District SDS Novice/Open Trial - Chilham 5/7/15

The Kent Championship

Judge: Eamonn Lawless


  1. Rob Moore (Ditchling) Jill 87 winning The Farmer's Trophy.
  2. John Marsh (Goddards Green) Craig 77
  3. Bob Powell (Cold Ashby) Drift 73 winning the Shepherd's Trophy
  4. Elaine Anstey (Haslemere) Tweed 72 winning Best Lady Handler
  5. Pat Paice (Hankham) Sanduck Lex 71 OLF
  6. Rob Moore (Ditchling) Glen winning Best Pen


  1. Alison Johnson (Ashey) Cass 41 - winning the Novice Cup