Many thanks, yet again, to Kirstie & Mark for the sheep and the field, Suzy Frost for judging, Elaine for the organisation and, together with Robert, Course Directing. Well dome the Letters-out and thank you for a very "level" day.
1 Wendy Cole (Tillingham, Essex) with Abby - 92
2 Wendy Cole (Tillingham, Essex) with Mheg - 91 1/2
3 Mark Banham (Chipstead, Surrey) with Rob - 91
4 Mark Banham (Chipstead, Surrey) with Ollie - 85
5 Ian Wheeler (IoW) with Don - 72 1/2
6 Jill Bastable (Tonbridge, Kent) with Pip - 69
1 Ian Wheeler (IoW) with Bob - 87 1/2
2 Peter Gent (Blean, Kent) with Enzo - 76 1/2
3 John Marsh (Golden Cross, East Sussex) with Clèit Flare - 71
4 Betty Temple (Slough, Berkshire) with Matt - 64
5 Jill Bharakhda (Essex) with Willow - 56
6 Anita Tackley (Henley, Oxfordshire) with Chip - 46
Best Novice Handler
Peter Gent
Well done to all - looking forward to the Winter Championships next weekend