
The banner image shows one of the remaining Lookers' Huts at Coldharbour Farm on Romney Marsh

Saturday, 19 October 2019

The SE Championship hosted by RM&D SDS at Snargate 19/10/19

With many thanks to Ed Lovejoy for the sheep and field, Lizzy for the take-off field and judge Cathy Cassie.
The results are made all the more special by the fact that the winner, Paul Griffiths, received a trophy donated by his grandfather's employer.
thanks also to Martin Morris for letting out all day and those who assisted him.

1. Rob Moore (Ditchling, Sussex) with  Cumhachbach Rebel - 95 (T)
2. Jackie Marsh (Golden Cross, Sussex) with Star - 65 (T)
3. Fiona Davies-Russell (Farnham, Surrey)with Nellie - 53 (T)
4. Louisa Taylor (Surrey) with  Cant - 45 (T)

1. Paul Griffiths (Glyndebourne, Sussex) with Standen Roy - 99 (T)
2. Rob Moore (Ditchling, Sussex) with Hoy - 80

Monday, 14 October 2019

Romney marsh & District SDS Trial held at Scotney Castle 13/10/19

With many thanks to Ian Strang for the sheep, the field and the stone in the gateway to help everyone through the mud.  Thanks also to Mark Banham for judging and all that helped over the weekend.

RESULTS (27 ran)
1. John Marsh (Golden Cross, Sussex) with Hutch - 77 (T)
2. Emily Brown (Hailsham, Sussex) with Kim - 73 (T)
3. Jackie Marsh (Golden Cross, Sussex) with Angie - 71 (T)
4. Philip Davies-Russell (Farnham, Surrey) with Kirk - 69
5. Bob Powell (Cold Ashby, Northants) with Blake - 66 (T)
6. Richard Curtis (Grantham, Lincs) with Patch - 64 (T)

Best Pen of the Day, Ron Willis stick: Philip Davies-Russell
Best Lady: Emily Brown
Don and Jeanne Fathers Memorial trophy: Most improved handler 2019: Fiona Davies-Russell

Monday, 7 October 2019

The Bishopstone Charity Weekend - 5th and 6th October 2019

Many thanks to Rob, Anna and their team for a terrific two days.
Thanks also to the judges, all who so willingly let-out, the catering teams and sponsors.

Judge: David Kennard

1  Jed Watson (Postbridge, Devon) with Zac - 78
2  Shirley Greenway (Manaton, Devon) with Sanduck Flip - 76
3  Paul Johnson (Barton-under-Needwood) with Jack - 75
4  Roderick Hayes (Witheridge, Devon) with Winston - 72
5  Roger Franssen (Overpelt, Belgium) with Zohra - 71
6 Meik Wessendorf (Neuhof, Hessen, Germany) with Nice - 70

6/10/19 Double Gather
Judge: Philip Davies-Russell

1  Jenny Atwell (Evesham, Worcestershire) with Spike - 127
2  Jed Watson (Postbridge, Devon) with Zac - 126 (T)
3  David Kennard (Barnstable, Devon) with Sweep - 121
4  Trevor Hopper (Cornwall) with Fern - 119
5  Jenny Atwell (Evesham, Worcestershire) with Speck - 111
6  Paul Johnson (Barton-under-Needwood) with Jack - 110