
The banner image shows one of the remaining Lookers' Huts at Coldharbour Farm on Romney Marsh

Monday, 4 May 2015

Sussex SDS Novice/Open Trial 4/5/15

With many thanks to John and Jackie for hosting the event at West End Farm

Judge: John Marsh


  1. Ray Edwards with Brad 93
  2. Merrill Fox with Alf 90
  3. Jane Harper with Meg 87
  4. Jed Watson with Jay 86
  5. Merrill Fox with Nob 82 (OLF)
  6. Ray Edwards with Bill 82


  1. Jane Harper with Meg 87
  2. Andy Jackman with Jaff 81
  3. Jamie Robertson with Reef 60

The John Russel Open Cup to Ray Edwards
The Bundy Cup to Jane Harper with Meg
The Vick Marsh Memorial Trophy to Merrill Fox - best aggregate score over the two days of Sussex trialling.