
The banner image shows one of the remaining Lookers' Huts at Coldharbour Farm on Romney Marsh

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Wendy Cole's Charity Open/Novice Trial 17/5/15

With many thanks to Wendy and all who made it another wonderful day for a very, very good cause.

Judge: Sandra Glocking


  1. Ed Thornalley with Juke 91 (OLF)
  2. Ricky Hutchinson with Jock 91 (OLF)
  3. Andy Jackman with Aeron Jaff 91
  4. Ricky Hutchinson with Sweep 90 (OLF)
  5. Jill Hardy with Joe 90
  6. Andy Jackman with Rob 88 (OLF)


  1. Andy Jackman with Jaff 91
  2. Jill Hardy with Joe 90
  3. Jill Bastable with Roy