
The banner image shows one of the remaining Lookers' Huts at Coldharbour Farm on Romney Marsh

Monday, 11 June 2018

Romney Marsh and District SDS Starter Class and Open Trial at Torry Hill 10/6/18

Many thanks to John Leigh-Pemberton and Neville for the venue and sheep.
A big thank you goes out to the takers-off and the letters-out for their hard work during the day.
We also thank the judges Dave Thompson (Starter Class) and Philip Davies-Russell (Open) for their stirling work.

Starter Class
1. Steve Burton (Sussex) with Beau - 38
2. David Thompson (High Halden, Kent) with Lass - 31(T)

Open Class
1. Sarah Walker (Stelling Minnis, Kent) with Quill - 76
2. Wendy Cole (Tillingham, Essex) with Mheg - 71
3. Eamonn Lawless (IoW) with Don - 70
4. Mark Banham (Chipstead, Surrey) with Rob - 68
5. Ian Wheeler (IoW) with  Don - 66
6. Wendy Cole (Tillingham, Essex) with Abby - 63

Trophies Presented
The Potato Company Cup (to the winner) - Sarah Walker
The Godmersham Park Cup (best OLF) - Sarah Walker
The Shepherd Trophy (Starter Class winner) - Steve Burton