
The banner image shows one of the remaining Lookers' Huts at Coldharbour Farm on Romney Marsh

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Sussex SDS Open Trial - Glynde 17/6/18

Thank you to Paul Griffiths for the field, Jackie and John Marsh for the sheep, everyone who let out and to Ros Edwards for judging.

Judge: Ros Edwards
28 dogs ran

1 John Marsh (Golden Cross, Sussex) with Hutch 85
2 Jackie Marsh (Golden Cross, Sussex) with Angie 82
3 Cathy Cassie (Lutterworth, Leicestershire) with Sean 81
4 Tim Foster (Creaton, Northants) with Molly 79 OLF
5 Eamonn Lawless (Isle of Wight ) with Chalky 79
6 Rob Moore (Ditchling, Sussex) with Joe 78

Paul Griffiths (Glynde, Sussex) with Standen Roy 71